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    Exoskeleton voice controlling Iron man hand | Voice control Iron man hand | How to make Ironman hand

    Voice control Iron man hand


    Software used for phone (for voice control) - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appinventor.ai_cempehlivan92.Arduino_Sesli_Kontrol

    Arduino code file -

    Materials - Arduino uno board Arduino 16 channel servo shield Bluetooth module 6 servo motors Ice cream sticks Cardboard Jumper wire Glue gun Lithium Battery

    Created by Thamara Wijerathna Presented by Ashen Sathsara

    From Thamara Wijerathna -

    Hi I am Thamara Wijerathna
    I made this iron man hand to inspire creators to go above their imagination to make projects like these.
    Some people says that iron man will always be frictional, but I am here to prove them wrong. The limit is your imagination. Sometime it takes a little bit of 'Out side the box thinking'
    I will be making the Iron man helmet next. In fact I almost started building it. So stay tuned for another video.

    Pictures - 



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